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² 2022.10 - 至今   昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院校聘教授

² 2020.7-2022.6 昆明理工大学地质资源与地质工程博士后流动站,博士后

² 2014.9-2020.6   大连海事大学环境科学与工程学院,获环境科学与工程专业工学博士学位;


[1] 国家自然科学基金项目/碳共促过硫酸铵循环体系修复有机污染土壤的方法与机制研究(主持,2022.01-2024.12,在研,30万元)

[2] 昆明理工大学高层次人才启动项目(主持,2022.10-2026.12,在研,150万元)

[3] 云南省2020年博士后科研基金资助项目--电解循环过硫酸铵氧化法修复有机物污染土壤及地下水的过程与机理研究(主持,2020.11-2022.06结题5万元)

[4] 云南省博士后定向培养资助2020.11-2022.06,结题,16万元


[1] Xian Zhu, Wei Sun, Chen Li*, Zhenzhen Wang, Xiangfen Cui, Bo Li, Senlin TianGeneration, activation, and recycling of ammonium persulfate for the remediation of organic-contaminated soil: System construction, process, and mechanisms, Chemical Engineering Journal 471 (2023) 144482.

[2] Zhenzhen Wang, Xiaolei Jia, Wei Sun, Jianfei Wang, Chen Li*, Qun Zhao, Yingjie Li, Senlin Tian, Persulfate-based remediation of organic-contaminated soil: Insight into the impacts of natural iron ions and humic acids with complexation/redox functionality, Science of the Total Environment 905 (2023) 167177.

[3] Senlin Tian, Shanshan Yang, Jianfei Wang, Qiuxian Li, Chen Li*, Xiangfen Cui*, Ping NingIntegrated strategy for efficient simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification of flue gas and high value conversion of sulfur and nitrogen resources, Journal of Hazardous Materials 440 (2022) 29827.

[4] Chen Li, Xian Zhu, Shanshan Yang, Senlin Tian*, Yingjie Li*, Bo Li, Zonglin Pan, Huaibei Li, Novel strategy for the efficient degradation of organic contaminants using porous graphite electrodes: Synergistic mechanism of anodic andcathodic reactions, Chemical Engineering Journal 429 (2022) 132340.

[5] Chen Li, Xian Zhu, Zhenzhen Wang, Dongdong Zhu, Shanshan Yang, Huaying Liu*, Bo Li, Senlin Tian*, Insight into utilisation of ilex pur-purea waste extract as an eco-friendly promoter in Fe activated persulfate oxidation for remediation of organic contaminated soil, Chemical Engineering Journal 431 (2022) 134222.

[6] Huaying Liu, Chen Li*, Tan Zhang, Zihao Xu, Yingjie Li*, Bo Li, Senlin Tian*, UV facilitated synergistic effects of polymetals in ore catalyst on peroxymonosulfate activation: Implication for the degradation of bisphenol S, Chemical Engineering Journal 431 (2022) 133989.

[7] Zimeng Nie, Chen Li*, Senlin Tian*, Ping Ning, Dian Yang, Yingjie Li*, An insight into mineral waste pulp for sulfur dioxide removal: A novel synergy-coordination mechanism involving surfactant, Separation and Purification Technology 281 (2022) 119988.

[8] Chen Li, Guoqing Feng, Zonglin Pan, Menghan Sun, Xinfei Fan, Chengwen Song, Tonghua Wang, Facile morphology-controlled synthesis of ZnO electrocatalysts on coal-based carbon membrane for antibiotics wastewater treatment, Journal of membrane science, 639 (2021) 119734.

[9] Chen Li, Guoqing Feng, Zonglin Pan, Chengwen Song, Xinfei Fan, Ping Tao, Tonghua Wang, Mihua Shao, Shuaifei Zhao, High-performance electrocatalytic microfiltration CuO/Carbon membrane by facile dynamic electrodeposition for small-sized organic pollutants removal, Journal of membrane science, 601 (2020), 117913.

[10] Chen Li, Guoqing Feng, Menghan Sun, Zonglin Pan, Xiaoqing Yan, Xinfei Fan, Chengwen Song, Tonghua Wang, Preparation and application of high-performance and acid-tolerant TiO2/carbon electrocatalytic membrane for organic wastewater treatment, Chemosphere , 296 (2022), 134017.

[11] Chen Li, Chengwen Song, Ping Tao, Menghan Sun, Zonglin Pan, Tonghua Wang, Mihua Shao, Enhanced separation performance of coal-based carbon membranes coupled with an electric field for oily wastewater treatment, Separation and Purification Technology, 168 (2016), 47-56.


[1] 田森林;朱娴;李晨;赵群;谢明军;宁平;崔祥芬;黄建洪;胡学伟;李英杰;刘树根;史建武. 一种利用太阳能光热催化矿物永久封存CO2的方法. ZL 202211104000.7

[2] 宋成文;王同华;李琳;李晨;冯国卿;潘宗林. 一种动态电化学沉积制备电催化炭膜的方法. CN108744993B


l 云南省“兴滇英才支持计划”青年人才,2022

l 摩尔多瓦国际发明展览会一等奖(金奖),排名第一,2023

l 北马其顿国际发明展览会一等奖(金奖),排名第一,2022

l 俄罗斯国际发明展览会一等奖(金奖),排名第四,2022


l 高级氧化技术

l 污染土壤修复

l 工业废气净化及资源化利用


l 进心强、工作扎实有团队协作精神

l 具有环境工程环境科学、化工材料专业背景均可


l 实验室:环A201

l E-maillcshirley@163.com