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2023.12 - 至今   昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院,教授,博导

2009.8 – 2022.6     昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院,副教授,硕导

2009.8 – 2016.9  昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院,讲师,硕导

2009.8 – 2014.8      韩国明知大学,环境能源工程,博士

2005.9 – 2009.7    东北大学,环境工程,学士


  1. 云南省科技厅-重大专项课题(昆工):新污染物治理关键技术研发及其在畜禽粪便及养殖废水末端处理的示范应用,202302AG050001600万,主持,在研(2023.1-2025.12

  2. 云南省兴滇英才支持计划青年人才:絮凝剂对脱水污泥水分存在形式及高温好氧代谢过程的影响机制研究,65万,主持,在研2022.12-2027.12

  3. 云南省社会发展专项重点研发计划子课题:赤水河流域硫磺矿区环境风险诊断与阻断技术研发及示范,202203AC100001-0250万,主持,在研2022.6–2025.5

  4. 昆明市生态环境执法监督局;昆明市突发环境事件风险评估及应急能力建设,ZZ2100719B030124103万,主持,在研2022-2023)。

  5. 昆明市生态环境执法监督局:应对昆明市“南阳实践”事件以空间换时间工程示范项目,YNGR2023000760,主持,在研(2023.4-2023.12)。

  6. 昆明理工大学学科交叉研究专项:污泥-水泥基二元胶凝材料的开发与应用,5万,主持,在研(2023.1-2023.12

  7. 昆明理工大学高层次人才引进经费项目80万,主持,在研(2016.12023.12


  8. Benqin Yang, Yanqing Zhao, Yanmei Liu, Tianxiao Huang, Qiuyun Liu, Xuejun Pan*. Transformation of water states and succession of functional microorganisms during synergistic bioevaporation process. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 178: 268-277.

  9. Benqin Yang, Tianxiao Huang, Xiandong Zhou, Yanqing Zhao, Qiuyun Liu, Dongfang Li, Xuejun Pan*. Moisture evaporation effect of pore structure and microbial distribution during sludge biodrying. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2023, Revised.

  10. Benqin Yang, Qiuyun Liu, Yanmei Liu, Tianxiao Huang, Yanqing Zhao, Dongfang LiXuejun Pan*. Biofilm-developed biomass residues as novel bulking agents and microbial carriers for synergistically enhanced bioevaporation: degradation potential and contribution to metabolic heat. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 344: 118570.

  11. Benqin Yang, Qian Pan, Qiuyun Liu, Xuejun Pan*. Damage mechanisms of sludge flocs and cell structures by different pretreatment methods. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2023, 30: 103134.

  12. Zhenghua Peng, Yongfei Lei, Yanmei Liu, Xing Wan, Benqin Yang*, Xuejun Pan*. Fast start-up and reactivation of anammox process using polyurethane sponge. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2022, 177: 108249.

  13. Yanmei Liu, Qingzuo Wang, Qian Pan, Xiandong Zhou, Zhenghua Peng, Deokjin Jahng, Benqin Yang*, Xuejun Pan*. Ventilation induced evolution pattern of archaea, fungi, bacteria and their potential roles during co-bioevaporation treatment of concentrated landfill leachate and food waste. Chemosphere. 2022, 289: 133122.

  14. Benqin Yang, Die Hu, Yanmei Liu, Zhiqiang Lin, Xiandong Zhou, Qian Pan, Hongxu Zhu, Xuejun Pan*. Organic loading on biochemical fractions degradation pattern during food waste bioevaporation. Waste Management. 2021, 132: 142-150.

  15. Yanmei Liu, Qing zuo Wang, Xiandong Zhou, Qian Pan, Hong xu Zhu, Benqin Yang*, Xuejun Pan*, Evaporation efficiency and important microorganisms under different ventilation strategies of co-bioevaporation process, Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2021, 21: 101374.

  16. Benqin Yang, Zhiqiang Lin, Yanmei Liu, Die Hu, Xiandong Zhou, Qian Pan, Xuejun Pan*, Spatial dynamics of biochemical fractions degradation, functional enzymatic activity and bacterial community within co-bioevaporation pile. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 287: 125552.

  17. Yanmei Liu, Die Hu, Zhiqiang Lin, Xiandong Zhou, Zhenghua Peng, Benqin Yang*, Xuejun Pan*. Degradation of biochemical fractions in different temperature of food waste bioevaporation and their contribution to biogenerated heat. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 245: 118944.

  18. Benqin Yang, Xukun Li, Zhiqiang Lin, Die Hu, Yanmei Liu, Xuejun Pan*, Evolution of enzyme activity, heavy metals bioavailability and microbial community in different temperature stages of the co-bioevaporation process. Waste Management. 2020, 102: 751-762.

  19. Benqin Yang, Shiju Yang, Xing Wan, Hao Hu, Die Hu, Mingda Hua, Yanmei Liu, Xuejun Pan*. Temperature methods for quantifying groundwater seepage flux applied in a plateau deep-lake: Yangzonghai Lake, Yunnan, China. Chemosphere. 2020, 238, 124674.

  20. Benqin Yang, Yanan Du, Tingting Bi, Yanhong Yu*, Xuejun Pan. Contribution of dissolved organic matter to chemical oxygen demand in three Chinese lakes and in treated sewage. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 16(12): 7861–7868.

  21. Benqin Yang, Jinming Yang, Hui Yang, Yanmei Liu, Xukun Li, Qingzuo Wang, Xuejun Pan*. Co-bioevaporation treatment of concentrated landfill leachate with addition of food waste. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 130: 76–82.

  22. Benqin Yang, Zongdi Hao, Deokjin Jahng, Advances in biodrying technologies for converting organic wastes into solid fuel. Drying Technology. 2017, 35(16):1950-1969.

  23. 彭正华, 杨本芹*, 杨志宏等. 不同形态厌氧氨氧化污泥低温保存的性能差异研究. 中国环境科学, 2023,43(2): 658-666.

  24. 朱红旭, 杨本芹*, 高媛, 翟红阳, 赵艳卿. 一株好氧反硝化细菌的筛选鉴定及其脱氮特性. 生物学杂志, 2022, 039(004)38-43.

  25. 雷勇飞, 杨昌炜, 彭正华, 万幸, 潘学军, 杨本芹*. 有机碳源对短程硝化系统的影响及综合调控. 环境工程学报, 2021, 15(09): 3088-3100.

  26. 潘倩, 刘艳梅, 周贤栋, 潘学军, 杨本芹*. 剩余污泥资源化提取蛋白质方法的优选. 土木与环境工程学报, 2021,  43(4): 132-140.

  27. 胡蝶, 胡昊, 杨本芹*, 潘学军. 沙门氏菌污染豆腐干和牛肉干后代谢物的研究. 食品与生物技术学报, 2020, 39, 247(10), 110-117.

  28. 王清作, 杨本芹*, 李绪坤, 刘艳梅, 彭正华, 潘学军. 生物蒸发处理垃圾渗滤液节能通风方式的探索. 中国给水排水, 2019, 35: 106-110.

  29. 毕婷婷, 杨本芹*, 罗闹, 杜亚楠, 杨金凤, , 丽鹏, 潘学军. 无机阴离子及溶解性有机质对水体化学需氧量测定的影响分析. 湖泊科学, 2017, 29(6): 1372–1378.

  30. 杨卉, 杨本芹*, 杨金明, 王清作, 李绪坤, 莫倩雯, 潘学军. 垃圾渗滤液两级DTRO浓缩液生物蒸发处理研究. 中国环境科学, 2017, 37(9): 3437–3445.

  31. 杨金明, 杨卉, 李绪坤, 王清作, 莫倩雯, 潘学军, 杨本芹*. 高浓度有机废水生物蒸发处理技术及展望. 工业水处理, 2017, 37(6): 6–11.


  32. Jahng D.J., Yang B.Q., 2014. Bioevaporation process for the zero-discharge treatment of highly concentrated organic wastewater. PCT国际专利, 专利号:PCT/KR2014/003527. 授权公告日: 20140502.

  33. Jahng D.J., Yang B.Q., 2013. Bioevaporation process for the zero-discharge treatment of highly concentrated organic wastewater. 韩国专利, 专利号:10-2013-0044961. 授权公告日:2013423.

  34. 潘学军, 杨本芹, 杨金明, 杨卉. 一种滚筒式生物蒸发装置. 中国发明专利, 专利号: CN201510944481.6, 授权公告日: 20180306.

  35. 潘学军, 杨本芹, 杨金明, 杨卉. 一种垃圾渗滤液的处理方法. 中国发明专利, 专利号: ZL 2015 1 0434629.1, 授权公告: 20170510.

  36. 杨本芹, 周贤栋, 潘学军, 潘倩, 刘艳梅. 一种量化生物干化颗粒污泥中微生物分布深度的方法. 202110069658.8, 2021.01.19

  37. 杨本芹, 黄天晓, 潘学军, 刘艳梅, 刘秋云, 赵艳卿. 一种低能耗间歇通风处理餐厨垃圾的生物蒸发方.202310173290.9, 2023.2.8

  38. 杨本芹, 刘秋云, 潘学军, 刘艳梅, 赵艳卿, 黄天晓. 一种农林废弃物协同生物蒸发处理餐厨垃圾的方法. 202310154868.6, 2023.2.23

  39. 杨本芹, 赵艳卿, 潘学军, 刘艳梅, 刘秋云, 黄天晓. 一种利用玉米芯强化生物蒸发处理餐厨垃圾的方法. 202310103781.6, 2023.2.13



