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李 浩






² 2020.11-至今,昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院  副教授

² 2019.2-2020.10,昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院  讲师

² 2017.5 -2018.5,美国麻省大学博士后

² 2016.11 -2019.1,昆明理工大学博士后

² 2010.9 -2016.9,获昆明理工大学环境科学博士学位

² 2006.9 -2010.9,获齐鲁工业大学环境工程学士学位


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目--不同类型铁氧化物上有机自由基稳定机制的比较性研究(主持,2019.01-2021.12,在研,23万元)



[4]61批中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助(主持,2017.05-2019.01,结题, 8万元)

[5]云南省博士后定向培养资助经费项目(主持, 2017.10-2019.01,结题,16 万元)


[1] Li Hao; Wei Chaoxian; Zhang Di; Pan Bo. Adsorption of bisphenol A on dispersed carbon nanotubes: Role of different dispersing agents[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 655: 807-813

[2] Li Hao; Cao Yanbei; Zhang Di; Pan Bo. pH-dependent KOW provides new insights in understanding the adsorption mechanism of ionizable organic chemicals on carbonaceous materials[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 618: 269-275

[3] Li Hao; Guo Huiying; Pan Bo*; Liao Shaohua; Zhang Di; Yang Xikun; Min Chungang; Xing Baoshan*. Catechol Degradation on Hematite/silica–gas Interface as Affected by Gas Composition and the Formation of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6.

[4] Li Hao; Zheng Nan; Liang Ni; Zhang Di; Wu Min; Pan Bo*. Adsorption Mechanism of Different Organic Chemicals on Fluorinated Carbon Nanotubes. Chemosphere, 2016, 154: 258-265.

[5] Li Hao; Pan Bo*; Liao Shaohua; Zhang Di; Xing Baoshan. Formation of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals as the Mechanism for Reduced Catechol Degradation on Hematite-silica Surface under UV Irradiation. Environmental Pollution, 2014, 44, (10), 153-158.

[6] Pan Bo; Li Hao; Lang Di; Xing Baoshan*. Environmentally persistent free radicals: Occurrence, formation mechanisms and implications. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 248, 320-331.

[7] Wang Peng; Pan Bo*; Li Hao; Huang Yu; Dong Xudong; Ai Fang; Liu Lingyan; Wu Min; Xing Baoshan. The Overlooked Occurrence of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals in an Area with Low-Rank Coal Burning, Xuanwei, China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52 (3), 1054-1061.

[8] Wang Lin; Li Hao; Yang Yu; Zhang Di; Wu Min; Pan Bo*; Xing Baoshan, Identifying structural characteristics of humic acid to static and dynamic fluorescence quenching of phenanthrene, 9-phenanthrol, and naphthalene, Water Research, 2017, 122: 337-344.

[9] Zhang L. W.; Li H.; Chen F. Y.; Zhang D.; Wu M.; Pan B.*; Xing, B. S., New insights provided by solvent relaxation NMR-measured surface area in liquids to explain phenolics sorption on silica nanoparticles, Environmental Science-Nano, 2017, 4(3): 577-584.

[10] Yang Jing; Pan Bo*; Li Hao; Liao Shaohua; Zhang Di; Wu Min; Xing Baoshan*, Degradation of p-Nitrophenol on Biochars: Role of Persistent Free Radicals, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(2): 694-700.

[11] Liao Shaohua; Pan Bo*; Li Hao; Zhang Di; Xing Baoshan, Detecting Free Radicals in Biochars and Determining Their Ability to Inhibit the Germination and Growth of Corn, Wheat and Rice Seedlings, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48(15): 8581-8587.

[12] Pan Bo*; Zhang Di; Li Hao; Wu Min; Wang Zhenyu; Xing Baoshan, Increased Adsorption of Sulfamethoxazole on Suspended Carbon Nanotubes by Dissolved Humic Acid, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47(14): 7722~7728.









