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王亚丰,男,博士,硕士研究生导师。20191月,赴美国University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center进行为期2年的国外访学;20216月,获得中国矿业大学(北京)矿产普查与勘探专业工学博士学位;20217月至20236月,在北京大学城市与环境学院从事博士后研究工作。主要从事重金属环境地球化学行为、环境健康风险评估及源解析研究,截至目前,已发表SCI论文10余篇,其中第一作者论文8





  • 2024.01 –至今  昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院,讲师,校聘副教授;

  • 2021.07 – 2023.06 北京大学城市与环境学院,生态学博士后,助理研究员;

  • 2019.01 – 2021.01 美国北达科他大学能源与环境研究中心,联合培养博士生;

  • 2016.09 – 2021.06 中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院,获矿产普查与勘探专业工学博士学位;

  • 2014.09 – 2016.06   中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院,获地质工程专业硕士学位

  • 2010.09 – 2014.06 太原理工大学矿业工程学院,获资源勘查工程专业学士学位。



  1. 昆明理工大学高层次人才平台建设项目(主持,2024.01-2028.01,在研,80万元)

  2. 西藏地热泉型重金属的地表环境地球化学行为研究,博士后科学基金面上项目(主持,2021.11-2023.05,结题,8万元)

  3. 基于大气颗粒物重金属化学形态与生物可接受性的源解析方法构建与高风险源识别,国家自然科学基金面上项目(参与,2023.01-2026.12,在研,53万元)



  4. Yafeng Wang and Hefa Cheng. Soil heavy metal(loid) pollution and health risk assessment of farmlands developed on two different terrains on the Tibetan Plateau, China. Chemosphere 33 (2023): 139148.

  5. Yafeng Wang and Hefa Cheng. Environmental fate and ecological impact of the potentially toxic elements from the geothermal springs. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 45 (2023): 6287-6303.

  6. Yafeng Wang and Hefa Cheng. Influence of mineral deposition on the retention of potentially hazardous elements in geothermal spring sediments. Sustainability 15, 10 (2023): 8040.

  7. Yafeng Wang, Yuegang Tang, Binbin Huan, Xin Guo, and Robert B. Finkelman. Mineralogical examination of the entrained-flow coal gasification residues and the feed coals from northwest China. Advanced Powder Technology 32, 11 (2021): 3990-4003.

  8. Yafeng Wang, Yuegang Tang, Ruiqing Li, Xin Guo, John P. Hurley, and Robert B. Finkelman. Measurements of the leachability of potentially hazardous trace elements from solid coal gasification wastes in China. Science of The Total Environment 759 (2020): 143463.

  9. Yafeng Wang, Yuegang Tang, Binbin Huan, Xin Guo, and Robert B. Finkelman. Chemical composition changes during the commercial entrained-flow General Electric and Gaskombinat Schwarze Pumpe coal gasification processes. Energy & Fuels 35, 1 (2020): 883-893.

  10. Yafeng Wang, Yuegang Tang, Xin Guo, Qiang Xie, Robert B. Finkelman, Peiyang Li, and Pengxiang Chen. Fate of potentially hazardous trace elements during the entrained-flow coal gasification processes in China. Science of The Total Environment 668 (2019): 854-866.

  11. Yafeng Wang, Yuegang Tang, Shuqin Liu, Yonggang Wang, Robert B. Finkelman, Baolin Wang, and Xin Guo. Behavior of trace elements and mineral transformations in the super-high organic sulfur Ganhe coal during gasification. Fuel Processing Technology 177 (2018): 140-151.

  12. Xin Guo, Yuegang Tang, Yafeng Wang, Cortland F. Eble, Robert B. Finkelman, and Peiyang Li. Evaluation of carbon forms and elements composition in coal gasification solid residues and their potential utilization from a view of coal geology. Waste Management 114 (2020): 287-298.

  13. Xin Guo, Yuegang Tang, Yafeng Wang, Cortland F. Eble, Robert B. Finkelman, Binbin Huan, and Xi Pan. Potential utilization of coal gasification residues from entrained-flow gasification plants based on rare earth geochemical characteristics. Journal of Cleaner Production 280 (2020): 124329.

  14. Yuegang Tang, Xin Guo, Xi Pan, Robert B. Finkelman, Yafeng Wang, Binbin Huan, and Shaoqing Wang. Changes and distribution of modes of occurrence of seventeen potentially-hazardous trace elements during entrained flow gasification of coals from Ningdong, China. Minerals 8 (2018): 202.

  15. Yuegang Tang, Yafeng Wang, Binbin Huan, Xin Guo, and Robert B. Finkelman. Leachability of hazardous trace elements from entrained-flow coal gasification residues in Ningdong, China. Energy & Fuels 31, 9 (2017): 9703-9716.







  • 有害微量元素的环境地球化学行为

  • 土壤重金属污染风险评估与源解析

  • 矿业固废地球化学固碳


  • 上进心强、工作踏实,有团队协作精神

  • 具有环境科学、环境工程、地球化学专业背景均可


  • 实验室:环境楼B103

  • E-mailwangyafeng@kust.edu.cn